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摘要:盧勇博士給我們介紹了source Photonics的先進、靈活、高效管理模式及其對光通訊產(chǎn)業(yè)未來發(fā)展方向的分析。

Source Photonics在光模塊領(lǐng)域的領(lǐng)先優(yōu)勢  State of the art technology on optical modules

盧勇博士先向我們簡單介紹了Source Photonics(索爾思光電)總體情況,現(xiàn)在的Source Photonics是由原來的Luminent和Fiberxon兩家在光器件領(lǐng)域各有優(yōu)勢的企業(yè)合并而來,現(xiàn)在看來這是一個很好合并,可以說真正實現(xiàn)了1+1>2,兩家企業(yè)不管在產(chǎn)品結(jié)構(gòu)/研發(fā)能力/公司文化上互補性很強,真正實現(xiàn)強強整合,優(yōu)勢互補。Source Photonics是目前業(yè)界可以提供從CHIP、OSA(Tosa、Rosa、BOSA)、 Transceiver、以及PON子系統(tǒng)完整產(chǎn)品解決方案的主流光器件廠商。公司在業(yè)務(wù)層面的布局充分體現(xiàn)地域的優(yōu)勢和協(xié)同能力:CHIP研發(fā)主要在美國;OSA的研發(fā)/生產(chǎn)在臺灣為主;TOSA/ROSA/BOSA及大部分產(chǎn)品研發(fā)/生產(chǎn)在成都;PON子系統(tǒng)的部分研發(fā)在深圳。公司總部在美國加利福尼亞州Chatsworth,運營主體則在中國成都,銷售分支機構(gòu)遍布全球主要區(qū)域。

Dr. Zachary Lu gave an overview of Source Photonics, which merged from Luminent and Fiberxon in 2007. Luminent and Fiberxon claimed different advantages in optical components. The two were complementary to each other in terms of product portfolios, R & D and corporate cultures. Thus, the merger has created a substantial edge for Source Photonics. Currently Source Photonics is a leading supplier of CHIP, OSA, (Tosa, Rosa, BOSA),  Transceiver, and PON subsystems. Their business compositions claim full geographical advantages. Chips R & D is located in US. R & D on OSA is mainly in Taiwan. The manufacturing and R & D on TOSA/ROSA /BOSA and the majority of other products are in Chengdu. Part of  R & D on PON sub systems is situated in Shenzhen. Corporate headquarters is based in Chatsworth, California. The main body of operation is in Chengdu, China. A global sales force is distributed in different regions around the world.

精確的流程管理和成本控制能力   Strong work process management and cost control


在整個采訪過程中,盧總提到最多的就是Source Photonics在業(yè)界超強的成本控制能力,他強調(diào),目前設(shè)備廠商的器件采購也越來越傾向主流器件供應(yīng)商集中采購,在這種形勢下,一個很強的流程管理和成本控制能力是設(shè)備系統(tǒng)商考核其供應(yīng)鏈?zhǔn)欠穹€(wěn)定可靠的重要因素。Source Photonics在這方面的用功程度與其產(chǎn)品研發(fā)能力一樣出色。

Dr. Lu said that the most extraordinary thing about Source is its superb ability in cost control. He emphasized that equipment vendors tend more and more to bulk purchase from leading suppliers of components. Therefore a strong work process management and cost control constitute important criteria for selection by equipment vendors. Source exerts as great an effort in this area as they do in   R & D.


第一:Source Photonics在供應(yīng)鏈管理、生產(chǎn)管理、業(yè)務(wù)管理上大力采用最先進的技術(shù)優(yōu)化流程管理。Source Photonics的供應(yīng)鏈管理平臺采用ORACLE ERP,研發(fā)管理采用先進的AGILE平臺,管理的流程化、規(guī)范化極大的提升了內(nèi)部效率。國際化的Source Photonics時常需要各地公司協(xié)同交流,通過HDTV高清視頻會議系統(tǒng)平臺,提升了各個區(qū)域工作的協(xié)同性和效率,并且有效控制了差旅費用。

First of all, Source adopts most up-to-date technology to optimize its process management in supply chain management, production management and business management. Source has ORACLE ERP for supply chain management, AGILE for R & D. Efficiency has been greatly enhanced as a result of standardized management. As a MNC, Source Photonics needs to communicate with its branches all over the world. Therefore a HDTV videoconferencing system has been set up. As a result, increased collaboration and efficiency have been achieved. Travel expenses are notably decreased.

第二:Source Photonics將成本控制的精細度做到每個操作環(huán)節(jié)上。生產(chǎn)操作人員的操作規(guī)范都有明確的流程控制和實時的系統(tǒng)記錄。通過自主開發(fā)的自動化生產(chǎn)測試系統(tǒng)和平臺,保證了產(chǎn)品的可追溯和可管理性,由此實現(xiàn)生產(chǎn)成本的及時有效和控制。,

Secondly, cost control is monitored at every link. Operation standards for operators are clearly defined and every move operators make is recorded in a dynamic way. Source develops and manufactures its own testing equipment, which is very helpful in tracking product performance. Thus, cost control is made highly efficient in an effective and timely manner.

第三:成本控制的基礎(chǔ)和核心在于Source Photonics能自主研發(fā)和生產(chǎn)半導(dǎo)體激光器及接收器芯片,大部分光模塊和子系統(tǒng)使用的光器件已經(jīng)采用自研器件。大大降低了關(guān)鍵物料的供應(yīng)成本和周期,并且顯著提升的產(chǎn)品交付水平。

Further more, cost control relies vitally on innovation. Source Photonics develops and manufactures its own chips for semiconductor lasers and receivers. A majority of optical components for modules as well as sub systems are self-made. This significantly cuts costs for key supplies It shortens the delivery cycle of supplies, resulting in an accelerated delivery process of Source’s products.

第四:前面提到的合理的業(yè)務(wù)布局及規(guī)模生產(chǎn),也大幅降低成本。比如Source Photonics把OSA的研發(fā)、封裝放在臺灣,就充分發(fā)揮臺灣在半導(dǎo)體產(chǎn)品封裝領(lǐng)域全球最高的性價比優(yōu)勢,也保證了核心器件的成品率、穩(wěn)定性和一致性;另外Source Photonics把大部分模塊的生產(chǎn)放到成都,從現(xiàn)在來看這種布局是十分有遠見,對于Source Photonics整體成本優(yōu)勢的發(fā)揮十分必要。成都不但較于沿海城市有人力成本、土地成本的優(yōu)勢、更為重要的是成都有一大批優(yōu)秀的通信類院校/研究所,及高素質(zhì)的技術(shù)??茖W(xué)校,對于做光通訊產(chǎn)品的Source Photonics從研究人員到技術(shù)工人、生產(chǎn)線普工的人才來源創(chuàng)造了很好的外部條件。

Last but not least, reasonable business layout and mass production add up to good cost control. R & D on OSA and OSA packaging is in Taiwan, where cost performance ratio in semiconductor packaging is the highest globally. Therefore a high yield, reliability and uniformity are guaranteed. The manufacturing of majority modules is carried out in Chengdu, where Source Photonics can have a cheaper costs in manpower and soil than in eastern coast cities. There are a variety of universities and institutes and high quality technical schools and colleges in communications in Chengdu. They serve as a talents pool to supply R & D personnel, technical staff as well as staff on production lines

一直處于業(yè)界前沿的產(chǎn)品研發(fā)能力  Cutting-edge R & D

OFweek對Source Photonics一直十分關(guān)注,原因就在于我們認(rèn)為Source Photonics是光模塊產(chǎn)品領(lǐng)域一個標(biāo)桿企業(yè),特別在技術(shù)創(chuàng)新上我們看到Source Photonics不斷推陳出新,從去年推出的10G EPON光模塊到今年為3/4G無線通訊應(yīng)用推出的6 Gb/s SFP+,SourcePhotoncs的新產(chǎn)品的開發(fā),迎合了目前光通信行業(yè)的熱點技術(shù)和趨勢。針對記者提到的目前40Gbps光傳輸正成為業(yè)界的一個關(guān)注點,Source Photonics有否這方面的新產(chǎn)品推出時盧勇博士回答道Source Photonics正在做CFP封裝的40G光模塊,該產(chǎn)品采用4X10G CWDM模塊(四個波長是 1270nm,1290nm,1310nm,1330nm),同時單獨的40G EML激光器也在開發(fā)過程中。

Source Photonics is a leading supplier of optical modules. It constantly strives to push its boundaries in product development. Last year Source Photonics announced the industry’s first version 10G EPON ONU module in the SFP+ form factor. This year Source Photonics announced 6 Gigabit module in SFP+ form factor for applications in 3/4G wireless networks. Source’ product development has kept up with today’s evolving networks. In response to the 40Gbps optical transport, Source Photonics is developing 40G optical modules which are in the form of 4X10G CWDM modules packaged as CFP with 4 wavelengths being 1270nm,1290nm,1310nm,1330nm. Meanwhile, an independent 40G EML laser is under development.


對于FTTX應(yīng)用有獨門技術(shù)    Unique technical know-how to FTTX applications

Source Photonics 公司為光纖到戶( FTTH )提供PON子系統(tǒng)產(chǎn)品,通過采用Source Photonics具有核心技術(shù)的突發(fā)模式發(fā)射器和突發(fā)模式接收器解決方案,該系列產(chǎn)品被眾多電信服務(wù)商所采納用以提供影像、聲音和數(shù)據(jù)服務(wù)。這是Source Photonics引以為傲的技術(shù)和產(chǎn)品。

Source Photonics第一家推出商用化的 PON 產(chǎn)品,占有了市場先機。同時通過提供核心的激光芯片和接收芯片,迎合了FTTH深入部署和推廣的關(guān)鍵點:核心光器件成本的控制和減低。Source Photonicstonics 通過提供高性價比的產(chǎn)品在一定程度上也推動了目前全球FTTx產(chǎn)業(yè)的方展。

Source Photonics provides devices of PON sub system for FTTH, in which they use their core technologies-- burst mode transmitters and receivers technologies. This line of Source products is highly sought after by Telecom operators to provide video, voice and data service,which makes them excel in this field. Source Photonics is the first to launch commercialized PON products. This gives Source Photonics a huge advantage in the market. Meanwhile, Source provides the core chips for laser products and receivers. which significantly brings down the cost of core optical components. In this manner, Source contributes its share to the global development of FTTx.

Source Photonics既有應(yīng)用于GPON/EPON的光器件和子系統(tǒng),也具有支持點到點應(yīng)用的光器件和子系統(tǒng),這些產(chǎn)品覆蓋了目前所有光纖接入的應(yīng)用。同時Source Photonics特別在10G PON產(chǎn)品上建立了自己的核心能力,10G DFB激光器、10G EML激光器、10G APD/PD CHIP。通過這些堅實的平臺和基礎(chǔ),Source Photonics已經(jīng)有批量商用化的10G EPON SFP+ ONU模塊來滿足行業(yè)高帶寬接入的要求,同時在第三季度也會推出滿足多源協(xié)議要求和ITU-T電信聯(lián)盟標(biāo)準(zhǔn)要求XG-PON SFP+ ONT模塊和XFP OLT模塊。

Source Photonics boasts optical components and sub systems not only for EPON and GPON applications, but also for point-to-point communication applications as well. These products cover all areas of optical access applications. Source also has its core technology on 10G PON, 10G DFB lasers, 10G EML lasers, 10G APD/PD CHIP. Source now has mass produced commercialized 10G EPON ONU modules in the SFP+ form factors to meet the ever increasing demand for bandwidth. In Q3, Source will launch XG-PON ONU module in SFP form factor and XFP OLT modules that are MSA and ITU-T compliant.


三網(wǎng)融合Source Photonics建議可采用國外的成熟解決方案 

Source Photonics recommendations on references drawn from overseas solutions for Triplay

中國現(xiàn)在的三網(wǎng)融合進展很快,特別是廣電領(lǐng)域也在加快NGB的發(fā)展。在中國針對廣電NGB目前熱點的技術(shù)是EPON+EoC方案,而在北美更多的是采用GPON+MoCA的技術(shù)。Source Photonics 除了提供支持?jǐn)?shù)據(jù)應(yīng)用的PON光模塊,也有針對有線電視運營商的特殊應(yīng)用場景提供的RF Over fiber 的核心方案,該方案在支持目前DPON ( DOCSIS PON)方案的前提下,還可以實現(xiàn)和EPON/GPON的共存。


China’s triplay is developing quickly; especially Broadcasting & Television industry is accelerating its NGB. A hot technology for NGB is EPON+EoC. While in North America, the most adopted technology is GPON+MoCA. Source not only provides PON optical modules that support data applications, it also supplies solutions on RF over fiber to cable TV carriers. These solutions support DPON(( DOCSIS PON), and are also compatible with co-existing EPON/GPON


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