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OFC 2024 | 米硅科技展出新一代400G TIA ms82040

摘要:米硅科技2024OFC展位4142接待來自世界各地紛至沓來的參觀者絡繹不絕。其中備受矚目的當屬米硅新一代400G TIA-ms82040。米硅科技期望通過行業(yè)領先TIA/CDR/Driver 技術,加速部署下一代單通道 100G 光收、發(fā)器方面繼續(xù)發(fā)揮技術優(yōu)勢,迎接TB光網絡時代。

  ICC訊 3月26日, OFC2024在美國圣地亞哥盛大開幕,人潮涌動,作為全球光通領域最大的行業(yè)盛會,也收到行業(yè)內外高度關注。米硅科技OFC展位4142接待來自世界各地紛至沓來的參觀者絡繹不絕。其中備受矚目的當屬米硅新一代400G TIA --  ms82040。

  On March 26, OFC2024 opened grandly in San Diego, USA, attracting a large crowd. As the largest industry event in the global optical communication industry, it received high attention from people all over the world. Minisilicon's OFC booth 4142 welcomed visitors from all over the world. Among them, the most eye-catching was Minisilicon's new product 400G TIA -- ms82040.

  ms82040非常適合COB 和硅光領域中的各種 PAM4 光學器件。米硅科技期望通過行業(yè)領先TIA/CDR/Driver 技術,加速部署下一代單通道 100G 光收、發(fā)器方面繼續(xù)發(fā)揮技術優(yōu)勢,迎接TB光網絡時代。

  ms82040 is ideal for various PAM4 optics for COB and SiPHO. Minisilicon aims to extend its advantages in  TIA/CDR/Driver technology to help accelerate the deployment of next-generation single-channel 100G optical transceivers to embrace the era of Terabyte optical networks.

  咨詢郵箱 email:sales@minisilicon.com

  公司官網 website:http://www.minisilicon.com


  米硅科技是一家以研發(fā)為主導,集開發(fā)、銷售、服務為一體的高科技模擬芯片研發(fā)公司。米硅團隊是一支成熟海歸高科技人才團隊,源于硅谷,擁有20多年商用、光通信、時鐘和數?;旌霞呻娐沸酒涷灒夹g特長包括光通訊模組芯片設計、高速收發(fā)器、高性能低噪聲頻率合成器、高速SerDes PHY的開發(fā)和應用。這些產品適用于400G及以上數據中心、多款不同系列適用于G/XG/XGS-PON的收、發(fā)電芯片等。

  隨著產品系列不斷擴充,米硅科技還提供高性能5G收發(fā)電芯片、專為光模塊設計的MCU及專用clock buffer以滿足客戶特別需求。

About Minisilicon:

  Minisilicon is a leading mixed-signal and timing product company. Minisilicon supports a large portfolio of electronic components for optical communications from Cloud & Datacenter networks to 5G networks to FTTx access networks. The portfolio addresses the high-performance analog interfaces between electrical and optical domains, providing solutions to meet the demanding size, power and signal integrity requirements of today’s high-speed networks—which are expanding to meet the continuously growing demand for data capacity. These products include high performance laser diode drivers, transimpedance amplifiers and limiting amplifiers: for datacenter, enterprise, and telecom optical systems operating up to 400Gbps and beyond. For FTTx 10G PON solutions, Minisilicon has the broadest portfolio of limiting amplifiers and TIAs for 10GEPON, XGPON and XGS PON systems.

  With a growing product portfolio, Minisilicon also offers high performance 5G transceiver, MCU designed for optical modules and specific Fan-Out buffers to address unique customer requirements.

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文章標題:OFC 2024 | 米硅科技展出新一代400G TIA ms82040
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